I have just entered my carefree early twenties when I received my first Jewelmer bracelet from the Mon Secret collection. It was a surprise birthday gift from my mom who always gave me the best presents without having to ask me or those around me.

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Giving me my first ever Golden South Sea Pearl Bracelet remains one of my favorite memories with mama. That was the day she first introduced me to this one-of-a-kind 18 karat golden pearl that flawlessly complemented my skin and wardrobe with effortless elegance. I was immediately drawn to its sophisticated gleam realizing that this exquisite and naturally grown golden gem was more than just a “birthday present”. It was my mom’s way of leaving me a lifetime promise that wherever I may go, whatever life may bring, I will be carrying her love around my wrist. Her love for South Sea Pearls abundantly shared with me. Her love that has always been incomparable. Her love that has always been unquestioning. That love will always be the best for me.

Summer’s here!

Script Typography Facebook App

If there’s one place that my family and I love to frequent the most – it would have to be the beach where we carefully soak up the sun’s rays and my mom relentlessly takes photos of the prettiest sunsets while my dad would have his perpetual beer consumption (LOL). We’ve spent countless memorable summers and post-tennis tournaments in the most beautiful beaches of the Philippines not just to relax and unwind but also to catch up and laugh with each other, automatically turning that beach trip into a remembrance filed under “the best times” in our memory banks. This is also a place where we can all eat together and go to bed at the same time without worrying about early wake-up calls the next day – all these are my favorite things to do during summer and ones I definitely hope and pray to repeat for many years to come. With that, let me share with you some of my must-have items for every beach trip! 🙂

  • Presko” outfits – this means shorts, summer dresses, tank tops, shirts (maybe one light cardigan for the plane) made of cotton or any soft fabric to prevent feeling hot and sweaty, your thick jackets and leather shoes should be left at home; my trick to packing light is counting the nights I will be spending there and multiplying it by two to avoid over-packing, this has never failed me! If you love to shop online, visit ANIKA for cute summer dresses and FLOAT swimwear for the prettiest bathing suits!

  • The RIGHT beach bag – I like to stay practical when it comes to bags that I take with me to the beach, this means no suede nor leather bags. Always think of how hot the temperature can be and how your bag can easily be splashed by water especially during boat rides or island-hopping. Keep in mind that your bag will definitely be exposed to water, sun and sand. Checkout ARANAZ for a wide selection of the most colorful yet functional beach bags you will ever find!


  • The “Beach Imperatives” – these are sunglasses, sunblock (I stick to one for the face and one for the body), floppy hats and moisturizers; you need these things to protect your skin (no to sunspots, uneven tan lines and dreadful sunburn) and eyesight from the harmful rays of the sun!

  • Books and earphones – these two are optional items especially if the purpose of your trip is to bond with your loved ones; they come in handy when you are waiting for flights (but stay alert for airport announcements) or searching for some “quiet” time! Try your best to keep in mind that you might never have the same moment twice. I highly recommend for you to leave your books and earphones at home when you’re traveling with family – sit down, talk, laugh and listen. Most important of all, LIVE IN THE MOMENT.

  • Camera (I carry this with me almost everywhere I go!) – I recommend Instax cameras when you’re hanging out by the beach and you can easily find them in any BRATPACK store near you. I strongly believe that there’s no such thing as “too many photos” so go out, play around with the settings (turn the camera dial to match the lamp setting) and collect beautiful pictures!DSCF2081

  • Ziplock – Please never leave your trash behind, let’s save our beaches.

White Blue Mountains Travel Vacation Checklist



Journaling since 1995

Hi, everyone! Sharing with you today one of my personal collections and it’s definitely something that I don’t see myself outgrowing even if we now live in a world full of Evernote, Apple Notes, and OneNote. I’ve kept a diary for each year since I was in kindergarten and I religiously updated it even if our teachers or parents didn’t have to check it. I believe writing has been one of my favorite activities and now that I’m in my 20s, it has become my therapy especially after a long day. I’m not a fan of keeping reminders or lists on any gadget and this could be an effect of my being an “old soul” that sometimes I secretly wish hand-written notes or letters will never fade into oblivion. Here’s a rundown of all my diaries and best-kept journals, I hope it inspires you to take a break from gadgets, plan your 2018 trips, relive your favorite weekends, and write more often. Don’t miss out on the cute pens, stickers and colorful post-its that can help you start your own “journaling”, too!

Props to my mama for helping me store these properly!


I always have one planner for each year and the best ones are from Kikki.K – my favorite store!



Let’s get ready for 2018! The best is yet to come.

My Big Fat Greek Birthday

I know that a lot of people like to get to know a new place or country by immersing themselves in its historical places, party scenes, outdoor views, beach spots or shopping districts. By God’s grace, for my 27th birthday, I was able to explore Greece with my parents who enjoyed watching me eat all the sweet things that we would find in the corners of Athens, Mykonos and Santorini. I’m a huge dessert person and I normally eat sweets for breakfast, after breakfast, after lunch or dinner and it’s just plain difficult to imagine daily life without dark chocolate, donuts, tarts, cake, ice cream, and brownies. It’s pretty much safe to say that I ate my way around the islands of Greece and sometimes went out of it just to find myself some interesting treats. As a matter of fact, on the eve of my 27th birthday in Santorini, I took a stroll by myself along Oia and discovered Lolita’s gelato where my mama also found me eating gelato by myself. She didn’t even have to text nor call me! Because of this fondness for sweet things, my parents will always know where to find me. With that, let me share with you my best finds:

I found this delicious chocolate waffle while roaming around “Plaka” (an old historical neighborhood) for our first full day in Athens. I can still remember the taste of this heavenly creation because it was served fresh and drizzled with an abundance of hot melted chocolate. 
Papa and I bought matching hats later that afternoon and it was easily another highlight of my day.
Posing beside my papa in the Temple of Poseidon
I now bring you to one of the best crepes I have ever tasted in Mykonos. Nutella overflowed when I had my first bite because of the amount they placed in it, and it’s just the way I like it! I bought this in a small cafe located in the restaurant where my parents and I were just about to have dinner in. Whoever thinks it’s foolish to have dessert first before meals has probably never tried freshly made nutella crepe in their life.
Off to Santorini we went where my parents enjoyed our sunset cruise. The calories happily went to my arms as you can see.
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Here’s my mama posing by the famous blue dome by herself and little does she know that this is my most favorite shot. All blue and white, taken on September 8, Mama Mary’s birthday.
Last but not the least, this is the chocolate waffle that came in a pizza box. Yes, a pizza box! It had melted homemade chocolate drizzled on top of it. You can only find this in the ferry terminal of Santorini and rest assured I was solved for the whole trip on our way back to Athens. Sometimes, I still dream about this and how soft and warm it tasted!

I pray to the Good Lord that all your travels will be as sweet and memorable as this. Try to put down your mobile phones when you’re having meals with the family especially when you’re on special trips. Make sincere conversations and prolong the “laughing out loud” moments because these are the moments you want to carry with you for the rest of your life.


Maring’s Skincare Routine

UnknownHello! I’m 27 years old and this is a bare-faced photo of me on a peaceful Saturday morning. By peaceful, I mean I was able to collect 10 straight hours of sleep and the only thing to do on my agenda was to eat chocolate chip cookies (takeout dessert from the night before) for breakfast. I usually have work on Saturdays but today was “rest day” for me so please don’t get me wrong, I don’t wake up looking as steady as this every single day. However, there are a few things on my mini skincare table that I would like to share with you so you don’t have to worry about putting makeup on all the time:

Most of my favorite skincare products right now are from Glossier and I definitely love the fact that it’s 100% cruelty-free. I use the milky jelly cleanser every morning before I leave for work and I also like to massage it on my face before I go to bed. The super bounce serum helps lock in moisture for my face especially for my skintype that falls under normal to dry (that’s why I always prefer a “dewy” look) and I rarely wear makeup as I like to keep my mornings quick and simple. I haven’t stopped using this since the day I got it because it’s very soft on the skin and I’m the type of person who can instantly feel refreshed when makeup-free.
Another brand that I swear by is Mario Badescu as it helps brighten and tighten my skin. I only use this during weekends especially after a long and tiring work-week. It’s safe to say that this has become my “weekly skincare routine” because I have dry skin sometimes and I base my exfoliation only on nights when I feel my skin needs it. I only use one drop (trust me, this is enough) of foaming cleanser to wash my face with then I use the cleansing lotion as a toner, and when I’m all dressed up that’s when I apply the Vitamin C serum (also one drop) which feels so “sarap” to use. I’m glad that I found this kit in Urban Outfitters.

I know that we all love to keep a simple skincare routine and if you get yourself used to getting 8 to 10 hours of sleep, drinking lots of water, eating healthy food and keeping a kind heart, then you’re all set for life. Let’s not forget the wise words of Sir Thomas Overbury: beauty is only skin deep.



Welcome to my blog! You’re in for my latest food, travel, skincare and coffee discoveries. I might even share with you my current books, hangout spots and new inspirations so hang in there, and walk with me on this sweet journey called LIFE.